National Project Partners

Our national  partners come from a broad range of countries throughout Europe including Ireland, Portugal, Finland and Italy.

Click each of the tabs below for more information on each partner organisation involved in the TD3C project.



Map of Europe with each partners' locations

Trinity College Dublin/Learnovate (Ireland)

Trinity College Dublin Logo

Photo of Trinity College Campus

TCD School of Education (Project Coordinator)

The School of Education was established in Trinity College in 1905. Over the past 100 years it has grown in size and reputation and provides a substantial range of postgraduate courses in education, as well as undertaking research into many different areas of educational life. It is one of the major professional schools of the University with a current enrolment of 600 postgraduate students. It has twenty-four full-time and over thirty part-time academic staff. The School is committed to engaging with educational issues through teaching and research at a number of levels: initial teacher education, postgraduate teacher education and continuing professional development. Within this context of informed practice, the School is dedicated to undertaking high quality research that permeates teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. This scholarly activity has gained both national and international recognition in both the academic and professional community and contributes to the understanding and practice of education.


Dr Keith Johnson photoDr Keith Johnston

Dr Keith Johnston is an Assistant Professor in the area of ICTs in Education at the School of Education Trinity College Dublin. His research has been focused on understanding and critiquing how technology and digital learning has been positioned in the wider eco system of education and education systems both in Ireland and internationally. A further strand of his research is focused on teacher experiences of technology in their professional practice. This has been reflected in research and publications which has addressed the adoption of number of technologies including mobile devices and virtual platforms by educators, and in the context of exploring approaches to teaching and learning which are considered as ’21st century’. He is widely published in international peer reviewed journals and has presented at a variety of international conferences. He has been part of a number of research consortia which have submitted applications for EU level funding including the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes and has previously been awarded funding to investigate the reform of the Irish primary school curriculum.


Learnovate Centre

The Learnovate Centre is an industry-led centre of excellence for innovation and research in learning technologies. Funded by Enterprise Ireland in partnership with IDA Ireland and hosted by Trinity College Dublin. With over 20 full time researchers and practitioners, Learnovate has one of the richest concentrations of EdTech domain expertise in Europe. The Learnovate Centre has expertise and experience that encompasses a wide range of learning environments including corporate learning, higher education learning, school learning and non-formal learning. Learnovate boasts a multidisciplinary team of specialist researchers in the learning sciences, computer science, user experience and user-centric design, as well as experts at the forefront of e-learning and EdTech innovation.


Deirdre Green

Deirdre Green, Learnovate Centre Programme Manager, brings knowledge and skill from over seventeen years’ experience in team, production and project management to her role at Learnovate. During this time Deirdre was responsible for the delivery of large multi-faceted projects across eLearning, internet and app publishing industries. At Learnovate she has managed a wide range of research projects across the Schools, Corporate and Lifelong learning contexts working with a range of industry and academic partners to deliver innovative technology and insightful research reports.

University of Jyväskylä (Finland)





The University of Jyväskylä (JYU) has been founded in 1863 and then it was the first Finnish-speaking Teacher Training College (the so-called Teacher Seminary). Around 15,000 students are currently enrolled in the degree programs of the university. It is ranked as the fourth largest university in Finland based on Master’s degrees. The University of Jyväskylä has and is participating in a variety of international and national projects mainly in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning.

Within these projects, JYU focused on the provision of open learning solutions, collaborative learning, personalized learning and the internationalization and localization of learning activities. Based on a strong pedagogical background, JYU has shaped and conceptualized various learning solutions and activities with different target groups such as professionals, schools and higher educational institutions. Based on these previous experiences, JYU combines high expertise on technology enhanced learning, the assessment and development of soft competences and in particular intercultural competences based on pedagogical models as well as the conceptualization and contextualization of learning scenarios, learning activities and learning solutions.


Dr Kati Clements

Dr. Kati Clements (PhD in Information Systems Science) is research project coordinator at the Faculty of Information Technology at the University of Jyväskylä and visiting professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. She has worked in and coordinated various European and global projects in the field of Learning Technologies and Open Education since 2005. Currently she is coordinating technology enhanced learning projects in topics like digitalization of rural schools, competence development of AI and emerging technologies for teachers and mitigation of technostress in classrooms. Previously she coordinated Erasmus+ project Computational Thinking and Acting and participating in various other projects like ‘Learning from Extremes’. Clements was also coordinating Horizon2020 project for innovative procurement of Learning Technologies “Learning Technology Accelerator (LEA)” due to which she is still the leader of LEA schools’ network. Clements’s PhD dissertation topic was Quality assurance of Open Educational Resources Repositories. Currently, her main research fields are innovation teachnology procurerment for schools, AI in education, Learning analytics, and Sustainable Value Co-Creation of digital services in retail. Clements has also managed and coordinated several projects in Finnish-Chinese collaboration on education e-Business (Next Generation e-Textbooks, eBEREA, SINOFINN Capstone and Artificial Intelligence in eBusiness).


Samuel Madtha

Samuel Antony Madtha is a doctoral researcher at the University of Jyväskylä (JYU). His research area entails teachers’ use of emerging technologies in the creation of digital learning and teaching content in particular, and integration of technology and pedagogy in general. Samuel graduated from JYU with a master’s degree in educational sciences. He has worked with Teach for India as a teaching fellow, program manager and instructional leader, the Global Innovations Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) as an Indo-Finnish educational partnerships consultant, and the Institute of Educational Leadership at JYU as project coordinator of an international professional learning community of educational leaders.


Istituto Comprensivo Toniolo (Italy)







IC Toniolo School is an old historical school of Pisa students and has become a Comprehensive Institute since 2001. It is one of the biggest Comprehensive Institute with 850 pupils and includes 2 nursery schools, 4 primary schools and two middle schools. The buildings of the schools are in two different parts of Pisa: one is central, the other is in a north-western suburb of Pisa, therefore pupils come from different social contexts. The percentage of immigrants also varies according to the location of the single school but mainly are from the Philippines, Romania, Albania, Bangladesh and China. Every school has a teacher responsible for organizational aspects (substituting teachers, taking care of the relationships with parents, timetable of school, management of the premises and of the equipment for school activities etc).

Cristina Morelli

Cristina is an English teacher, certified CELTA, responsible for Erasmus and international projects since 2009 at IC Toniolo. She also works as Collaborator of the Principal and Digital Animator of the school.

NUCLIO (Portugal)



NUCLIO is a non-profit association and an NGO with the main aim of promoting the inclusion of active research as a tool for STEAM learning in schools. NUCLIO team is composed of a group of science professionals, teachers and researchers as well as educators devoted to innovation in education, science education, psychology of education and science outreach.

NUCLIO is an official training centre recognized by the Portuguese Ministry of Education. Our vision is to train and support educators and students by training teachers on the use of new technologies and innovative andinclusive student centred methodologies; by integrating real and contemporary research opportunities in classroom where students are introduced to the scientific methods using robotic telescopes, data mining, and other advanced tools for science learning. To achieve this vision NUCLIO produces resources, trains and supports educators and provides online and onsite support for the implementation of innovative models for teaching and learning.

Rosa Doran

Rosa Doran has a PhD in Science Education from University of Coimbra: “On Teacher Training and Community Building for Innovation in Education: Strategies to Improve Science Learning in Classroom”. An MSc in High Energies and Gravitation, at Faculty of Science Of The University Of Lisbon: “Schwarzschild Black Holes and its Cosmological Applications”, a degree in Physics from “Pontifícia Universidade Católica” in São Paulo, Brazil.; is a certified trainer by the Scientific and Pedagogical Council of Continuous Training (University of Minho, Portugal) as a Teacher Trainer in the areas of Physics and Astronomy. Her professional activities from 1979 to 1992 were connected to industry management in finance and administrative areas. Since 1992 the main activities are related to science research, public outreach, and science education. She is presently the president of NUCLIO (Núcleo Interativo de Astronomia), a non-profit association and NGO for development, devoted to public outreach and science education. At an international level she is the president of the executive council of the Global Hands-on Universe Association (, a global institution devoted to Astronomy Education; chair of the Galileo Teacher Training Program, one of the cornerstones and a legacy of the International Year of Astronomy 2009; vice-chair of the panel of education of COSPAR, co-chair of the Portuguese Language Office of Astronomy for Development for the International Astronomical Union.


Ana Costa

Ana Costa, project coordinator and public relations, is a key element in any event organised by NUCLIO. Whether it is a teacher training course or a big festival, she communicates with every single participant and makes all the necessary arrangements. It is no surprise that in any given event she is the one person everybody knows and everybody compliments. Ana coordinates the asteroid campaigns of the International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC) for NUCLIO. She is also a retired Physics and Chemistry teacher, and she has two degrees, one in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry and the other in Chemistry Education.

Edmund Rice College Dublin (Ireland)







Edmund Rice College Dublin is a public secondary school, catering for students from 12-18 years of age. We teach both the Junior Cycle and the Leaving Certificate syllabi, in a mixed sex school. The school was established in 2017, so it’s a relatively new school with capacity to cater for 1,000 students. The current enrollment is close to 700 students. The patron of the school is the Edmund Rice Schools Trust, who provide Catholic education in the Edmund Rice tradition. In 2022 the school was awarded Apple Distinguished school status for its innovative and creative use of iPads in teaching and learning. Teachers and students view technology as a tool that can enhance the teaching and learning experience. All school staff and students have their own iPad device and use technology daily in lessons.

Stacy Kenny

Stacy is Deputy Principal at Edmund Rice College Phoenix Park. She has worked as school leader for the last 6 years. Stacy is a Geography teacher, having achieved both degree and professional teacher qualification from Trinity College. Stacy has written textbooks in her subject area (Geography) which are used nationally in Ireland. Stacy has previously worked as an Erasmus+ projector coordinator, working with schools in 4 European countries.



Alan Culbert

Alan is an assisant principal, head of year and IT Co-Ordinator at Edmund Rice College Phoenix Park. He is an English, Coding and Religion teacher. Alan attended Trinity College Dublin for his teaching degree and completed a Diploma in leadership at Maynooth University. He also has a masters in Philosophy and Literature. Alan also helps with the Droichead programme in the school which is a mentoring programme for newly qualified teachers. Alan helped set up a digital learning team for staff that design IT CPD to help staff improve digital learning in the school. He also help set up the Tech Squad which is the student version of the digital learning support team.


Agrupamento de Escolas Gil Paes (Portugal)







The Agrupamento de Escolas Gil Paes is a school group located in the county of Torres Novas (Portugal), with a secondary school, a basic school, four primary schools and a kindergarten with about 262 teachers and 1950 students between the ages of 3 and 18. The secondary school has courses of Science and Technology, Humanities and Arts, and two vocational courses (Mechatronics and Computer Science). We have the Science Club LabMaker and 4 Eco-Schools ( We are an UNESCO Associated School ( and a local reference in the area of Early Intervention in Childhood and for Autism Spectrum Disorder.


Nelson Correia

Nelson is a teacher of Physics and Chemistry, coordinator of Erasmus+ projects, Science Club LabMaker and Eco-Schools.


Konnevesi High School (Finland)






Although being a small high school of around 40 students, the Konnevesi High School has strong previous experience in using technology in classrooms, including content creation for all topics across the curriculum. In 2017, the school building went through complete renovation, which improved the technological environment to up to date technology allowing the teachers to use innovative technologies. The teachers’ attitude towards technology use is forward-looking and digital content is used in teaching daily. The school has a special school lab classroom which includes, e.g. VR technology and a VodCast zone.


photo of Dr Anna-Maria Nurmi from Konnevesi High SchoolDr Anna-Maria Nurmi

Dr Anna-Maria Nurmi is the Principal at Lapunmäen yhtenäiskoulu and Konnevesi high school. She has years of teaching experience in physical education and she has a a PhD in sports pedagogy. Nurmi has also participated in the LEA project and has experience on collaborative school exchange internationally. She is a member of Jyväskylä City Counsil and provides a collaboration channel also to Finnish areal politics.



Hanna Jämsen

Hanna Jämsen is a Finnish language teacher in Lapunmäen yhtenäiskoulu. Jämsen has 7 years of teaching experience, including distance teaching experience during the COVID-19 school closures. She has also been a project designer in IMALE and LEA projects and has international experience on collaborative school exchange. Jämsen has previously acted as the school’s “Digital tutor”. Digital Tutor programme is a nationwide initiative in Finland to increase the digital skill and competences of teacher and to offer digital peer support.