Flip (formerly Flipgrid) is a free web and mobile app from Microsoft that schools around the world have been using for more than a decade to record, edit and share video assignments.
Website: https://info.flip.com/
Thanks to Cristina Morelli from IC TONIOLO Pisa, Italy for recommending this tool.
Cristina is an English teacher, who’s been teaching in the middle schools (pupils aged 11-14) for 25 years. She teaches in 6 classes ( 3 hours per class) for a total of 18 hours a week. She’s the “Digital Animator” of her school, which means she has to promote the use of the digital in teaching with the help of the “Digital Team”.
“The benefits are that this app for videos is simple and intuitive to use for everyone and compatible with google classroom that we regularyl use at school, so a teacher can do any assignments directly setting up the time of the video and topic. In our school kids can’t use their phones or tablets either but only chromebooks and therefore, when kids are assigned to make videos, it could be a problem for recording. Flipgrid turned out be a quick and good solution. When videos are assigned at home, kids can use other tools to make their videos and upload them in “Flipgrid” assignment, that makes quicker for a teacher to collect all the work and check it. Kids enjoying using it . I would recommend it.”
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